Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

...apa ini?

Saya tidak benar-benar mengerti apa yang ada di kepala manusia, sebenarnya. Darimana datangnya sebuah perasaan? Bagaimana kita bisa mencintai seseorang? Misteri, mungkin. Jadi saya iseng saja ngecek Mbah Google soal 'what makes us fall in love'?

  • Smell. We fall in love partly because of smell. The scent of a bouquet of red roses, for instance, is a cultural preference that boosts the chemistry in romantic relationships. Dr Kristal says, “Smell forms part of the framework that conforms to cultural attractiveness standards. For example, smelling like a strawberry instead of mildew [makes you attractive].” Smelling delicious could be part of why we fall in love.
  • Love pheromones. Invisible signals are part of what makes people fall in love. “Pheromones are unlearned, and perhaps unsmellable, signals that enter the brain through the olfactory system. They can function in sex, alarm, territoriality, aggression, and fear,” says Dr Kristal. He believes that we choose specific mates not solely due to pheromones, but for other reasons. Other sensory cues are better explanations for why we fall in love, such as touch, smell, and hearing.
  • The brain. We fall in love partly because of hormones. Oxytocin and vasopressin are present when people fall in love and stay together for a long time. Dopamine is also part of the chemistry in romantic relationships. So, when you’re wondering “Why doesn’t he love me?” you may have to look to brain chemistry as the answer. It’s not necessarily you, it’s just that your brain chemicals didn’t mesh. Lack of hormones could explain why people fall in love
  • Semua ini (c) suite101.com, ya. Bukan milik saya.

    Tapi, banyak yang bilang orang mencintai seseorang itu karena sudah digariskan, sudah ditakdirkan. Tapi... kenapa? Untuk apa kita jatuh cinta? Dan kenapa kita tetap jatuh cinta pada saat sudah sakit sekali rasanya solar plexus milik kita?

    Haa, mungkin itu masih sebuah misteri. Ck.


    Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010


    Ternyata pepatah kalau 'kita ga akan sadar betapa berartinya seseorang sampai ia udah ga ada' itu bener. Rasanya lo bisa ketemu setiap hari--dulu--dan sekarang, selalu ada yang ngehalangin. Rasanya ada yang ngerjain lo. Rasanya ada yang-- ga menginginkan kita ketemu. Gue tadinya sempat bingung, siapa. Tapi gue sadar. Itu diri gue sendiri. Ada pertanyaan yang muncul di benak gue: 'kalau ada dia, lo mau ngapain?' Dan gue sadar gue ga punya jawaban atas pertanyaan gue.

    Karena 'ikatan' itu ga lagi ada. Semuanya buyar, pindah ke jalan sendiri-sendiri. Gue ngerasa sahabat-sahabat gue dulu jauh. Gue juga menjauh, kalau gue perlu bikin tambahan. Gue sendiri ngerasa kok. Sama sahabat aja jauh--apalagi sama mantan pacar? Walau gue masih suka sama dia setengah mampus, rasanya gue ga terlalu kaget dia punya pacar baru. Karena 'ikatan' itu udah ga ada. Hak gue apa kalau gue marah? Hak gue apa kalau gue sedih? Dia bukan apapun-- no, gue bukan apapun.

    Walau 'ikatan' itu masih adapun, udah rapuh. Percuma.

    Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

    | YG | Akina Katou -- Synchronicity.


    Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

    Fanfic, nostalgia and etc

    Random title is random.

    Really, long time no see. Menunggu 161109 dengan sepenuh hati, hihihi. Siapa tahu dia ingat walau kemungkinan cuma 0,5 % dimana hampir mustahil. Wei. Orang selalu meminta hal paling mustahil, ya. Tch. Ngomong-ngomong, gue tadi baca Me, Myself, and My Friend Named Kyuubi-nya 15205060, dan langsung mewek (dan galau) habis-habisan. Ditambah baca For a Thousand Year More-nya Isumi Kivic (ffn, tapi dia bikin fanficnya buat OC-nya di IH), makin mewek aja. Haha. *pasang plang 'Warning: G A L A U' di depan muka.


    ...terus, apa lagi, ya? *korek telinga, di teriakin*

    Oh ya, saya juga nostalgia sama karakter kedua saya di IH, Henrietta Kotova. Yang pernah di bilang keren sama Dika/Teq dan Seleksi Asrama dengan word count 2,5k (2500 words, bukan karakter). Saya dulu seganas macan ya. Sekarang, ga bisa lagi. Damn, Ryoku mengajarkan saya untuk tidak lagi RP dengan tembok, kalau tidak mau di semprot Dhez dan dibuang ke sungai TT__TT *digaplok Dhez karena nyebarin berita ga bener*

    Oh yes, I miss Henrietta now. Gue kangen gimana dia bisa ngedeskrip bahwa dia kangen sama Henry... and that's what I really feel right now, really.


    Rabu, 01 September 2010

    G A L A U.

    Sumpah eshaite ((c) Rara) gue galau. All hail om Daughtry yang lagunya enak-enak miris. Terutama yang September. Tinggal diganti Oktober aja gitu, haaha

    By the way, nih liriknya :B

    How the time passed away
    All the trouble that we gave
    And all those day we spent out by the lake
    Has it all gone to waste?
    All the promises we made
    One by one they vanished just the same

    All the things I still remember
    Summers never looked the same
    Years go by and time just seems to fly
    But the memories remain
    In the middle of September
    We still played out in the rain
    Nothing to lose but everything to gain
    Reflecting now on how things could've been
    It was worth it in the end

    Now it all seems so clear
    There's nothing left to fear
    So we made our way by finding what was real
    Now the days are so long
    That summer's moving on
    Reach for something that's already gone

    All the things I still remember
    Summers never look the same
    Years go by and time just seems to fly
    But the memories remain
    In the middle of September
    We still played out in the rain
    Nothing to lose but everything to gain
    Reflecting now on how things could've been
    It was worth it in the end

    Yeah, We knew we had to leave this town
    But we never knew when and we never knew how
    We would up here the way we are

    We knew we had to leave this town
    But we never knew when and we never knew how

    All the things I still remember
    Summers never look the same
    Years go by and time just seems to fly
    But the memories remain
    In the middle of September
    We still played out in the rain
    Nothing to lose but everything to gain
    Reflecting now on how things could've been
    It was worth it in the end

    ...wew, mungkin cuma gara-gara gue kangen doang kali ya? /menggelinding


    Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010


    I just want to say, DAMN IT. I hate life, it's so cruel. Wai? THIS :

    Taqi Makarim Hari kamis nggak bisa ikut ke sumbangsih -_-"






    Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

    . . .

    SO! HI!


    Gue mau nulis cerita tentang kehidupan-kehidupan di SES (Sumbangsih Elementary School) dengan judul Flower Language. Wismilak ya :>

    [chapitre 00/prologue : the leaf]

    flower language at ses-famiglia@blogspot. there are ami, dani, aksa, etc. =) note: not in story-type, but in blog-type. :D